Articles | Volume 66, issue 4
Original study
24 Nov 2023
Original study |  | 24 Nov 2023

Milk-y Way: the impact of single-nucleotide polymorphisms on milk production traits in Kilis dairy goats

Zühal Gündüz and Osman Biçer

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Cited articles

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Dettori, M. L., Rocchigiani, A. M., Luridiana, S., Mura, M. C., Carcangiu, V., Pazzola, M., and Vacca, G. M.: Growth hormone gene variability and its effects on milk traits in primiparous Sarda goats, J. Dairy Res., 80, 255–262,, 2013. 
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Short summary
The Kilis goat has emerged as a breed with a unique genetic profile that reflects its complex ancestry due to historical crossbreeding between the Damascus and Hair goat populations in Türkiye. The Kilis goat is well adapted to arid areas and is known for its high milk yield. Therefore, it holds great potential for milk production and genetic improvement programs in Türkiye. For this reason, some genes that affect milk yield were investigated.