Articles | Volume 67, issue 4
Original study
21 Oct 2024
Original study |  | 21 Oct 2024

Exploring the association between SLC11A1 and CARD15 gene polymorphisms and tuberculosis susceptibility in Holstein cattle

Safa Bejaoui, Nour Elhouda Fehri, Mohamed Amine Ferchichi, and Bayrem Jemmali

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Genetic variation in the SLC11A1 (C>G) and CARD15 (A/G) genes may contribute to the onset and development of bovine tuberculosis (bTB), supporting the hypothesis that polymorphisms in these genes are associated with the risk of bTB in Holstein cattle. bTB is a complicated disease that is probably influenced by polymorphisms in many genes, particularly those related to the immune system and host–pathogen interactions.