Articles | Volume 61, issue 3
Original study
26 Jul 2018
Original study |  | 26 Jul 2018

Detection of insertion/deletions (indels) of the ATBF1 gene and their effects on growth-related traits in three indigenous goat breeds

Zhenyu Wei, Ke Wang, Yiqing Hui, Hailong Yan, Haijing Zhu, Lei Qu, Chuanying Pan, Hong Chen, and Xianyong Lan

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Arch. Anim. Breed., 63, 315–323,,, 2020
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A 20-bp insertion/deletion (indel) polymorphism within the CDC25A gene and its associations with growth traits in goat
Wenbo Cui, Nuan Liu, Xuelian Zhang, Yanghai Zhang, Lei Qu, Hailong Yan, Xianyong Lan, Wuzi Dong, and Chuanying Pan
Arch. Anim. Breed., 62, 353–360,,, 2019
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Arch. Anim. Breed., 62, 189–197,,, 2019
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DNA methylation pattern of the goat PITX1 gene and its effects on milk performance
Haiyu Zhao, Sihuan Zhang, Xianfeng Wu, Chuanying Pan, Xiangchen Li, Chuzhao Lei, Hong Chen, and Xianyong Lan
Arch. Anim. Breed., 62, 59–68,,, 2019
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The novel 22 bp insertion mutation in a promoter region of the PITX2 gene is associated with litter size and growth traits in goats
Hailong Yan, Enhui Jiang, Haijing Zhu, Linyong Hu, Jinwang Liu, and Lei Qu
Arch. Anim. Breed., 61, 329–336,,, 2018
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Subject: DNA markers and gene expressions | Animal: Goats
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Meta-analysis of association between c.963A>G single-nucleotide polymorphism on BMP15 gene and litter size in goats
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CircRNA-0100 positively regulates the differentiation of cashmere goat SHF-SCs into hair follicle lineage via sequestering miR-153-3p to heighten the KLF5 expression
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MiR-25-3p regulates the differentiation of intramuscular preadipocytes in goat via targeting KLF4
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Cited articles

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Short summary
An effective DNA marker-assisted selection would speed up the development and improvement of goat products. The objective of this work was to explore novel indel (insertion/deletion) variations and their associations with growth traits in three native Chinese goat breeds. Results showed that the goat ATBF1 gene had marked effects on growth traits and the growth-trait-related loci, which would contribute to improving the growth-related traits of local breeds in the goat industry.