Articles | Volume 61, issue 3
Original study
26 Jul 2018
Original study |  | 26 Jul 2018

Detection of insertion/deletions (indels) of the ATBF1 gene and their effects on growth-related traits in three indigenous goat breeds

Zhenyu Wei, Ke Wang, Yiqing Hui, Hailong Yan, Haijing Zhu, Lei Qu, Chuanying Pan, Hong Chen, and Xianyong Lan


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Short summary
An effective DNA marker-assisted selection would speed up the development and improvement of goat products. The objective of this work was to explore novel indel (insertion/deletion) variations and their associations with growth traits in three native Chinese goat breeds. Results showed that the goat ATBF1 gene had marked effects on growth traits and the growth-trait-related loci, which would contribute to improving the growth-related traits of local breeds in the goat industry.