Articles | Volume 59, issue 2
Original study
14 Jun 2016
Original study |  | 14 Jun 2016

Identification of TRPM6 and TRPM7 expression changes in response to a diet supplemented with inulin in porcine kidney

Paulina Robak, Małgorzata Ożgo, Katarzyna Michałek, Agnieszka Kolasa-Wołosiuk, Marcin Taciak, Marcin Barszcz, and Marta Marynowska

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Excessive amount of lactose in the diet of two-week-old calves induces urinary protein changes
Alicja Dratwa-Chałupnik, Małgorzata Ożgo, Adam Lepczyński, Agnieszka Herosimczyk, and Katarzyna Michałek
Arch. Anim. Breed., 59, 417–422,,, 2016

Related subject area

Subject: Physiology | Animal: Pigs
Intrinsic challenges of neonatal adaptation in swine
Benjamin Diehl, Michael Oster, Andreas Vernunft, Klaus Wimmers, and Hartwig Bostedt
Arch. Anim. Breed., 65, 427–438,,, 2022
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Incidence of dystocia at piglet level in cloprostenol-induced farrowings and associated risk factors
Nguyen Hoai Nam and Peerapol Sukon
Arch. Anim. Breed., 65, 97–103,,, 2022
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Characteristics of Tibetan pig lung tissue in response to a hypoxic environment on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau
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Arch. Anim. Breed., 64, 283–292,,, 2021
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“Sex” and body region effects on bone mineralization in male pigs
Maren Bernau, Juliane Schrott, Sebastian Schwanitz, Lena Sophie Kreuzer, and Armin Manfred Scholz
Arch. Anim. Breed., 63, 103–111,,, 2020
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The relationships between transforming growth factors β and free thyroxine and progesterone in the ovarian cysts, preovulatory follicles, and the serum of sows
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Arch. Anim. Breed., 60, 131–136,,, 2017

Cited articles

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