Articles | Volume 67, issue 3
Original study
17 Jul 2024
Original study |  | 17 Jul 2024

N-acetylcysteine may improve endometrial receptivity by modulating endometrial stromal cells in goats

Kaibin Fu, Xiang Chen, Xingzhou Tian, Wen Tang, Ting Gong, Yan Zhang, and Taotao Ji


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Short summary
We used endometrial stromal cells of Qianbei Ma goats as our study subjects and found that N-acetylcysteine could promote the proliferation of endometrial stromal cells and increase the viability, antioxidant activity, mitochondrial membrane potential and expression of endometrial receptivity marker genes of endometrial stromal cells, which suggests that N-acetylcysteine may be beneficial in improving endometrial receptivity of goats.