Articles | Volume 66, issue 1
Original study
24 Jan 2023
Original study |  | 24 Jan 2023

Mitochondrial DNA diversity of D-loop region in three native Turkish cattle breeds

Eymen Demir, Nina Moravčíková, Bahar Argun Karsli, Radovan Kasarda, Ibrahim Aytekin, Umit Bilginer, and Taki Karsli


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Short summary
This study confirmed that mtDNA could make a significant contribution to cattle farming in both theory and practice. In theory, even if they were domesticated in different geographical areas, the patterns of crossbreeding between taurine and indicine were detected in Anatolian cattle at a low frequency. In practice, pedigree records could be revised in terms of admixture level and species-specific haplotypes of taurine and indicine by the farmers via molecular studies such as mtDNA.