Articles | Volume 66, issue 3
Original study
21 Sep 2023
Original study |  | 21 Sep 2023

Novel MHC BLB2 gene polymorphism and its association with IgY concentration and Newcastle disease antibody titer in IPB-D2 chickens

Dwi Lestari, Sri Murtini, Niken Ulupi, Asep Gunawan, and Cece Sumantri


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Short summary
IPB-D2 chickens are one of the local Indonesian chickens that are being developed today. IPB-D2 chickens have disease-resistant traits. Selection is not only carried out conventionally but is also developed by molecular selection methods. By utilizing gene diversity in the major histocompatibility complex gene group, it was found that there were several single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the B Locus Beta 2 gene significantly associated with immunoglobulin Y concentrations in IPB-D2 chickens.