Articles | Volume 66, issue 3
Original study
08 Sep 2023
Original study |  | 08 Sep 2023

Characteristics of meat production traits in the Hungarian Simmental herd selected for the simultaneous improvement of milk and meat production

József Péter Polgár, Ferenc Szabó, Ákos Kovács, Zoltán Kovács-Mesterházy, and Szabolcs Bene


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Short summary
Phenotypic and genetic trends, genetic parameters, and breeding values of the fattening and slaughter traits of 1162 Hungarian Simmental bulls were evaluated for the progeny test database. Based on our results, it seems that the simultaneous selection, in which, in addition to milk production, meat production is included in the dual-production index at a proportion of one-third, causes neither a substantial improvement nor a deterioration in the meat production of the Hungarian Simmental breed.