Articles | Volume 62, issue 2
Original study
09 Sep 2019
Original study |  | 09 Sep 2019

Valuing breeders' preferences in the conservation of the Koundoum sheep in Niger by multi-attribute analysis

Issa Hamadou, Nassim Moula, Seyni Siddo, Moumouni Issa, Hamani Marichatou, Pascal Leroy, and Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux


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Short summary
This study characterises farmer’s preferences for breeding rams and tackles their willingness to contribute to the wool sheep Koundoum conservation programme through their quantified appreciation of the main phenotypic features of the sheep breed in the region. In Tillabéri region, i.e. the Koundoum sheep’s area of origin, the proportional piling tool is first used in 11 focus group discussions of breeders to determine the main selection criteria of breeding rams. The multi-attribute analysis me