Articles | Volume 67, issue 1
Original study
14 Feb 2024
Original study |  | 14 Feb 2024

Associations of bovine beta-casein and kappa-casein genotypes with genomic merit in Holstein Friesian cattle

Sena Ardicli, Özgür Aldevir, Emrah Aksu, Kerem Kucuk, and Ahmet Gümen


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Short summary
Genetic selection based on bovine casein variants, especially for A2 milk, is a scorching topic in animal breeding and genetics. Our study assessed the genotypic/allelic frequencies, population genetics, diversity parameters, and relationship between genotypes and breeding values with respect to two casein genes, CSN2 and CSN3 in Holstein Friesian cows. The present results are critical for evaluating the genetic merit of cows in commercial dairy cattle breeding.