Articles | Volume 67, issue 4
Original study
07 Oct 2024
Original study |  | 07 Oct 2024

Fatty acid profiles unveiled: gene expression in Yanbian yellow cattle adipose tissues offers new insights into lipid metabolism

Azher Nawaz, Junzheng Zhang, Ying Meng, Lefan Sun, Haiyang Zhou, Chunyin Geng, Haixing Liu, Yinghai Jin, and Shuang Ji


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Short summary
This study on Yanbian yellow cattle, known for their quality meat, examined fat from various body regions to understand differences in fat content and gene activity. We found 16 different fats in abdominal tissue, with unique fats in subcutaneous and other tissues. Kidney fat cells were larger than those in other areas. Gene activity varied significantly, with different genes being the most active in various tissues.