Articles | Volume 67, issue 3
Original study
06 Aug 2024
Original study |  | 06 Aug 2024

Genetic analysis of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-like gene (PDGFRL) polymorphism and melanin traits in Lanping black-boned sheep (Ovis aries)

Dan Yue, Chaochao Peng, Sameeullah Memon, Azeem Iqbal, Heli Xiong, Xiaoming He, Ying Lu, and Weidong Deng


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Short summary
We focus on the Lanping black-boned sheep (LPBB) because it is the only mammal that resembles the Chinese silky fowl in the world. LPBB is characterized by black pigmentation in its plasma colorimetry and had its internal organs compared to the reddish color in Lanping normal sheep. Although the literature is abundant in genetic case studies, the processes of pigmentation remain obscure. We thus investigate the association between the PDGFRL gene polymorphism of LPBB and melanin deposition.