Articles | Volume 67, issue 3
Original study
05 Jul 2024
Original study |  | 05 Jul 2024

Crossbreeding parameters for body weight data from a complete diallel mating scheme using three breeds of rabbit

Ahmed M. Abdel-Ghany, Salah A. El-Mansy, Dalal S. Alshaya, Nora M. Al Aboud, and Mahmoud G. Gharib


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Short summary
The objective of this study was to evaluate heterosis, general combining ability (GCA), maternal ability (MA), and sex-linked effects (SL) for growth performance from weaning (4 weeks) up to marketing age (12 weeks) , using a complete 3 x 3  diallel crossing experiment in three different breeds of rabbits: one native Egyptian breed (Baladi Red, RR) and two exotic (Bauscat, BB, and Californian, CC).