Articles | Volume 66, issue 4
Original study
12 Dec 2023
Original study |  | 12 Dec 2023

Impact of redox status of donor cows before superovulation treatment on in vivo embryo production

Shogo Hashimoto, Masayasu Taniguchi, Ayane Edo, Tetsushi Ono, Tetty Barunawati Siagian, Hiroaki Sekine, Megumi Nagahara, Takeshige Otoi, and Mitsuhiro Takagi


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Short summary
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between oxidation and antioxidation parameters before superovulation (SOV) treatment and embryo recovery in donor cows. The redox status of donor cows before SOV treatment affects embryo recovery, as cows with high levels of both oxidative and antioxidative status have better embryo production. This information will be useful for the selection of donor cows and subsequent treatments.