Articles | Volume 66, issue 4
Original study
04 Dec 2023
Original study |  | 04 Dec 2023

The effect of two mineral–vitamin premixes on the blood biochemical parameters, milk yield and composition of Holstein–Friesian cows in Kazakhstan

Gulzhan K. Mussayeva, Gulshat I. Shaykamal, Indira N. Aitzhanova, Aigerim Kazhiyakbarova, Jan Miciński, Alicja Sobczak, Nurgul A. Meldebekova, Gulnaz Ilgekbayeva, and Nurkuisa M. Rametov


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Short summary
Research was carried out on 40 Holstein–Friesian cows. The cows were divided into two equal groups: control (C) and experimental (E). The diet of group E cows was supplemented with mineral and vitamin premixes. Premixes in group E influenced the biochemical parameters of the blood of the cows and improved their health but did not affect the chemical composition of their milk. In group E,  the yield of milk, protein and fat was higher, and no cases of lameness or metabolic diseases were recorded.