Articles | Volume 66, issue 1
Original study
30 Mar 2023
Original study |  | 30 Mar 2023

Prediction of reproductive performance of ewes based on the early production data, ewe birth rank, dam age, and dam birth rank

Ivan Vlahek, Velimir Sušić, Anamaria Ekert Kabalin, Sven Menčik, Maja Maurić Maljković, Aneta Piplica, Juraj Šavorić, and Siniša Faraguna


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Short summary
Ewes' reproductive performance could be predicted using the data available early in their life. Ewe birth rank, dam birth rank, first litter size, and first lambing interval are significantly associated with ewe reproductive performance up to the fourth year of life. Precise prediction of ewe reproductive performance using the early predictors is impossible due to the low R2 predicted. The value of the lower threshold of the 95 % prediction interval might be useful in making selection decisions.