Articles | Volume 64, issue 2
Original study
20 Sep 2021
Original study |  | 20 Sep 2021

Carcass and meat traits of goats fed diets containing cottonseed cake

Dallyson Yehudi Coura de Assis, Fabiano Almeida de Oliveira, Edson Mauro Santos, Ana Alice Lima de Gouvêa, Bruna Maria Aparecida de Carvalho, Camila de Oliveira Nascimento, Luís Gabriel Alves Cirne, Douglas dos Santos Pina, Aureliano José Vieira Pires, Henry Daniel Ruiz Alba, and Gleidson Giordano Pinto de Carvalho


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Short summary
Goats are produced in extensive systems with low productive yields. Therefore, intensive systems improve productivity; however, in this system, diet is the most costly parameter. The cottonseed cake has the necessary nutritional characteristics to be able to substitute traditional ingredients (such as soybean meal) and to reduce the diet cost. Thus, it is necessary to determine the best level of inclusion of cottonseed cake in feedlot goats' diets to improve meat production and quality.