Articles | Volume 64, issue 2
Original study
09 Sep 2021
Original study |  | 09 Sep 2021

Reproductive performance of indigenous Lao pigs reared by small-scale farmers in northern provinces of Laos

Somsy Xayalath, Gabriella Novotni-Dankó, Péter Balogh, Klaus-Peter Brüssow, and József Rátky

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Parentage testing and looking for single nucleotide markers associated with antler quality in deer (Cervus elaphus)
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Arch. Anim. Breed., 65, 267–274,,, 2022
Short summary
Invited review: reproductive physiology in commercial and premium pig breeds – history of 30-year-long cooperation
József Rátky, István Egerszegi, Tamás Páble, Eszter Balogh, Noboru Manabe, Soukanh Keonouchan, and Klaus-Peter Brüssow
Arch. Anim. Breed., 60, 253–257,,, 2017
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Effect of feeding liquid milk supplement on litter performances and on sow back-fat thickness change during the suckling period
G. Novotni-Dankó, P. Balogh, L. Huzsvai, and Zs. Győri
Arch. Anim. Breed., 58, 229–235,,, 2015
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Subject: Husbandry | Animal: Pigs
Invited review: reproductive physiology in commercial and premium pig breeds – history of 30-year-long cooperation
József Rátky, István Egerszegi, Tamás Páble, Eszter Balogh, Noboru Manabe, Soukanh Keonouchan, and Klaus-Peter Brüssow
Arch. Anim. Breed., 60, 253–257,,, 2017
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A novel synonymous SNP (A47A) of the TMEM95 gene is significantly associated with the reproductive traits related to testis in male piglets
Liangliang Liu, Shuai Yu, Rui Chen, Xiaoyan Lv, and Chuanying Pan
Arch. Anim. Breed., 60, 235–241,,, 2017
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Effects of gender and diet on back fat and loin area ultrasound measurements during the growth and final stage of fattening in Iberian pigs
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Arch. Anim. Breed., 60, 101–104,,, 2017
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Cited articles

Campbell, J. M., Crenshaw, J. D., and Palo, J.: The biological stress of early weaned piglets, J. Anim. Sci. Biotechno., 19, 1–4,, 2013. 
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Devillers, N., Dividich, J. L., and Pruner, A.: Influence of colostrum intake on piglet survival and immunity, Animal, 5, 1605–1612,, 2011. 
Egerszegi, I., Rátky, J., Solti, L., and Brüssow, K.-P.: Mangalica – an indigenous swine breed from Hungary (Review), Arch. Anim. Breed., 46, 245–256,, 2003. 
Short summary
The study aimed to highlight the general trend of indigenous Lao pig utilization and the altered reproductive performance with special reference to location and rearing systems. Indigenous pigs are not only important for household consumption, but they also serve as household savings that the households use anytime, i.e. to support their children's education and traditional activity performance. Proper management is needed to improve reproductive performance of indigenous pigs in Laos.