Articles | Volume 63, issue 2
Original study
26 Aug 2020
Original study |  | 26 Aug 2020

Drip loss assessment by EZ and bag methods and their relationship with pH value and color in mutton

Ana Kaić, Ante Kasap, Ivan Širić, and Boro Mioč

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Subject: Product quality | Animal: Sheep
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Cited articles

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Short summary
This study aimed to assess drip loss measurements in mutton taken by different methods (EZ and bag, BM) and their relationship with pH values and color. Mutton samples originating from 20 ewes of Istrian sheep were used to examine the effect of the method on drip loss after 24 and 48 h. EZ and BM method in mutton do not provide equivalent results for measuring drip loss. Comparisons of the results obtained with different methods should be avoided or at least performed with great precaution.