Articles | Volume 62, issue 1
Original study
21 Jan 2019
Original study |  | 21 Jan 2019

Comprehensive assessment of candidate genes associated with fattening performance in Holstein–Friesian bulls

Sena Ardicli, Hale Samli, Buse Vatansever, Bahadir Soyudal, Deniz Dincel, and Faruk Balci


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Short summary
An extensive genetic evaluation of cattle fattening performance was performed in this study. Fifteen SNPs in the LEP, FABP4, DGAT1, TG, IGF1, IGF1R, MYF5, LGB, CAPN1, CAST, GHR, and OLR1 genes were evaluated in 296 purebred Holstein–Friesian bulls using PCR-RFLP. This study clearly demonstrated that individual or combined effects of the genotypes at the selected genes may be effective on performance traits at different periods of animal growth and fattening.