Articles | Volume 62, issue 1
Original study
29 May 2019
Original study |  | 29 May 2019

Effect of a low-energy and enzyme-supplemented diet on broiler chicken growth, carcass traits and meat quality

Elsayed O. S. Hussein, Gamaleldin M. Suliman, Alaeldein M. Abudabos, Abdullah N. Alowaimer, Shamseldein H. Ahmed, Mohamed E. Abd El-Hack, Mahmoud Alagawany, Ayman A. Swelum, Antonella Tinelli, Vincenzo Tufarelli, and Vito Laudadio


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Short summary
This study evaluated the impact of a low metabolizable energy diet supplemented with a multienzyme blend on the growth performance, carcass traits and meat quality of chickens. From findings, the low metabolizable energy supplemented with the enzyme complex did not influence most of performance parameters and carcass traits of chickens; however, adding enzymes to a low-energy diet is an effective strategy to improve the meat quality criteria and small intestine characteristics.