Articles | Volume 62, issue 1
Original study
14 May 2019
Original study |  | 14 May 2019

Methionine supplementation improves reproductive performance, antioxidant status, immunity and maternal antibody transmission in breeder Japanese quail under heat stress conditions

Omid Kalvandi, Amirali Sadeghi, and Ahmad Karimi


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Short summary
Dietary supplementation with either 1.15, 1.30 or 1.45 times the Met requirements (as NRC recommendation) in breeder quails can alleviate the adverse effects of heat stress and improve the performance, reproduction, antioxidant status and immunity, as well as maternal antibody transmission. Supplementation of diet with 1.30 times the Met requirements could be used as a nutritional strategy in breeder quails for the alleviation of the adverse effects of heat stress.