Articles | Volume 62, issue 1
Original study
04 Apr 2019
Original study |  | 04 Apr 2019

Linking first lactation survival to milk yield and components and lactation persistency in Tunisian Holstein cows

Marwa Grayaa, Sylvie Vanderick, Boulbaba Rekik, Abderrahman Ben Gara, Christian Hanzen, Siwar Grayaa, Rodrigo Reis Mota, Hedi Hammami, and Nicolas Gengler


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Short summary
The lactation curve and lactation survival are important in dairy cattle breeding. Their simultaneous improvement results in economic benefits. The genetic relationship between the lactation survival and the lactation curve shape traits of milk yield and fat and protein percentages using information from of 25 981 primiparous Tunisian Holsteins was investigated. Cows that had higher persistencies for fat and protein percentages were more likely not to survive.