Articles | Volume 61, issue 4
Original study
12 Oct 2018
Original study |  | 12 Oct 2018

Development of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers for the identification of Cholistani cattle

Muhammad Haseeb Malik, Muhammad Moaeen-ud-Din, Ghulam Bilal, Abdul Ghaffar, Raja Danish Muner, Ghazala Kaukab Raja, and Waqas Ahmad Khan


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Short summary
Identification issues in livestock can be resolved by molecular identification tools that preserve and maintain pure breeds worldwide. In this study, 50 and 48 unrelated Cholistani and crossbred males, respectively, were sampled. Candidate genetic markers present in Cholistani but absent in crossbred and vice versa were detected using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) method. This study generated molecular breed-specific markers to identify the purity of the Cholistani breed.