Articles | Volume 60, issue 2
Original study
05 Apr 2017
Original study |  | 05 Apr 2017

Genome-wide QTL mapping results for regional DXA body composition and bone mineral density traits in pigs

Sophie Rothammer, Maren Bernau, Prisca V. Kremer-Rücker, Ivica Medugorac, and Armin M. Scholz


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Short summary
In a previous mapping study including body composition and bone mineral traits obtained by DXA scans, QTL for bone mineral traits were rare. This study aimed to clarify if the mapping results were influenced by the analysed body regions. Hence, analyses were repeated using the same material (551 pigs) and methods but two manually defined body regions instead of the initial whole-body setting. Our results show an overall high consistency of mapping results especially for body composition traits.