Articles | Volume 60, issue 2
Original study
17 May 2017
Original study |  | 17 May 2017

Variant GDF9 mRNA is likely not the main cause of larger litter size in Iranian Lori-Bakhtyari, Shal, Ghezel, and Afshari sheep breeds

Shahin Eghbalsaied, Farzad Rashidi Khorasgani, Hamid-Reza Amini, Majid Farahi, Maryam Davari, Ahmad Pirali, Sheila Pourali, Mahmood Vatankhah, Mahmud Rostami, and Hadi Atashi


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Short summary
Sequencing of the GDF9 gene in 16 twin-birth, 4 triplet-birth, and 2 infertile ewes from Iranian sheep with verified segregation of G2–6 mutations, as well as a new G0 mutation, C25T, which causes L9F substitution in the signal peptide region. None of the triplet-birth or infertile ewes carried the G1, G4, G7, FecGE, G8, or FecGT mutations. In addition, using a large dataset comprised of 605 individuals showed a significant difference in the abundance of G1 and G4 mutations between breeds.