Articles | Volume 59, issue 2
Original study
25 May 2016
Original study |  | 25 May 2016

Dietary carnosic acid, selenized yeast, selenate and fish oil affected the concentration of fatty acids, tocopherols, cholesterol and aldehydes in the brains of lambs

Agnieszka J. Rozbicka-Wieczorek, Katarzyna A. Krajewska-Bienias, and Marian Czauderna


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Short summary
The novelty of our study was to investigate the influence of organic and inorganic forms of Se added to the diet with carnosic acid and fish oil on levels essential for biomolecules in the lamb brain. Our studies provide useful information for nutritionists carrying out further investigations aimed at improving ruminant health, the growth performance, the reproductive system (by regulating the secretory activities of the pituitary gland) and the nutritional quality of feed.