Articles | Volume 61, issue 4
Original study
26 Oct 2018
Original study |  | 26 Oct 2018

Fatty acids in intramuscular fat of Ile de France lambs in two different production systems

Milan Margetín, Marta Oravcová, Jana Margetínová, and Róbert Kubinec


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Short summary
Fatty acid composition in the intramuscular fat of the musculus longissimus dorsi of Ile de France purebred lambs in two production systems (lambs and ewes were assigned to pasture and fed without concentrates vs. lambs and ewes were assigned to a stable and fed with hay/silage and concentrates) was evaluated using gas chromatography. An analysis of variance was used for comparison. No such comparison had previously been carried out in Slovakia. Meat from lambs assigned to pasture was better.