Articles | Volume 61, issue 4
Original study
02 Oct 2018
Original study |  | 02 Oct 2018

Association of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in NAT9 and MAP3K3 genes with litter size traits in Berkshire pigs

Jung Hye Hwang, Sang Mi An, Go Eun Yu, Da Hye Park, Deok Gyeong Kang, Tae Wan Kim, Hwa Chun Park, Jeongim Ha, and Chul Wook Kim


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Short summary
Using RNA sequencing technology, we identified SNPs in the NAT9 and MAP3K3 genes that are associated with litter size in Berkshire pigs. Our results suggest that selecting Berkshire pigs with the GG genotype of NAT9 and the CT genotype of MAP3K3 can produce more piglets. We suggest that these genetic markers would improve litter size in breeding programs.