Articles | Volume 60, issue 2
Original study
02 May 2017
Original study |  | 02 May 2017

Progesterone (P4), luteinizing hormone (LH) levels and ovarian activity in postpartum Santa Inês ewes subject to a male effect

José Carlos Ferreira-Silva, Tracy Anne Burnett, Paulo Francisco Maciel Póvoas Souto, Paulo Castelo Branco Gouveia Filho, Lucas Carvalho Pereira, Mariana Vieira Araujo, Marcelo Tigre Moura, and Marcos Antonio Lemos Oliveira


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Latest update: 08 Oct 2024
Short summary
In face of the ongoing demand to reduce the interval within deliveries to increase sheep reproductive efficiency, the male effect could be used to shorten anestrus postpartum in ewes. The male effect is a simple, effective and low-cost approach to reducing the duration of postpartum anestrus without affecting pregnancy rates. In conclusion the male effect can be used with postpartum ewes that have lambed within 35 to 40 days previously in order to decrease time between deliveries.