Articles | Volume 60, issue 4
Original study
16 Oct 2017
Original study |  | 16 Oct 2017

A new somatic cell count index to more accurately predict milk yield losses

Janez Jeretina, Dejan Škorjanc, and Drago Babnik


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Short summary
Intramammary infections in dairy cows lead to considerable economic losses for farmers. A new somatic cell count index (SCCI) was proposed for the accurate prediction of milk yield losses caused by elevated somatic cell count (SCC). Depending on the time of SCC elevation, parity, milk production level, and level of average SCC, the estimated milk yield loss from the phenotypic potential of milk yield was at least 0.8–0.9 kg day−1 for primiparous cows and 1.3–4.3 kg day−1 for multiparous cows.