Articles | Volume 59, issue 2
Original study
19 May 2016
Original study |  | 19 May 2016

Genetic parameters of reproductive traits in Tunisian Holsteins

Hafedh Ben Zaabza, Abderrahmen Ben Gara, Hedi Hammami, Borni Jemmali, Mohamed Amine Ferchichi, and Boulbaba Rekik


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Short summary
Genetic parameters for 11 456 Tunisian Holstein cows were estimated for the following five reproductive traits: calving interval (CI), calving to first service interval, calving to conception interval (CCI), first service to conception interval and number of services per conception. Low heritabilities were estimated for these traits, and genetic correlation estimates between them were moderately high. The CCI–CI genetic correlation was 0.85, indicating that they are the same trait genetically.