Articles | Volume 54, issue 1
10 Oct 2011
 | 10 Oct 2011

Population structure of Czech cold-blooded breeds of horses

L. Vostrý, Z. Čapková, J. Přibyl, B. Hofmanová, H. Vostrá Vydrová, and K Mach

Abstract. In order to estimate effective population size, generation interval and the development of inbreeding coefficients (Fx) in three original breeds of cold-blooded horses kept in the Czech Republic: Silesian Noriker (SN), Noriker (N) and Czech-Moravian Belgian horse (CMB) all animals of the particular breeds born from 1990 to 2007 were analysed. The average values of generation interval between parents and their offspring were: 8.53 in SN, 8.88 in N and 8.56 in CMB. Average values of effective population size were estimated to be: 86.3 in SN, 162.3 in N and 104.4 in CMB. The average values of inbreeding coefficient were 3.13 % in SN stallions and 3.39 % in SN mares, in the N breed 1.76 % and 1.26 % and in the CMB breed 3.84 % and 3.26 % respectively. Overall averages of Fx were: 3.23 %, 1.51 % and 3.55 % for the breeds SN, N and CMB. The average value of inbreeding coefficient Fx increased by 1.22 % in SN, by 0.35 % in N and by 1.01 % in CMB, respectively. This may lead to a reduction in genetic variability. Reduction in genetic variability could be either controlled in cooperation with corresponding populations of cold-blooded breeds in other European countries or controlled by number of sires used in population
