Articles | Volume 51, issue 4
10 Oct 2008
 | 10 Oct 2008

Comparison of body weight and reproduction performance in cows of various beef breeds managed under equal conditions in West Pomerania

R. Pilarczyk and J. Wójcik

Abstract. The aim of the study was to compare the body weight and the parameters of reproductive performance in beef cows of various breeds following their import to Poland from 1995–1997. The analyses included cows of five beef breeds: Red Angus, Salers, Hereford, Limousin and Simmental. We have compared the body weights and calving intervals during the period from their arrival to Poland in 1995 until 2002, with subsequent calvings included in the analyses. Other aspects included calving difficulty, abortions, stillbirths and twin births. The analysis of the cows’ reproductive performance has revealed that the studied breeds differ in the calving interval. Best results were achieved by Simmental and Limousine cows, while Red Angus cows exhibited the poorest performance. The effect of subsequent calving on the calving interval was also confirmed. We have observed no differences among the mature cows with respect to the body weight and calving ease.