Articles | Volume 50, issue 2
10 Oct 2007
 | 10 Oct 2007

Körpermasseentwicklung von Absetzferkeln bei unterschiedlichen Tier-Fressplatz-Verhältnissen

S. Hoy, C. Weirich, and S. Knoop

Abstract. Title of the paper: Investigations on live weight development of weaner pigs fed with different pigletfeeding place ratios
Investigations with a total of 656 weaner pigs in 14 rounds fed either with a pig-feeding place-relation of 1 : 1 (Piglet-Feeder, Tipp-Feeder) or 5 to 8 : 1 (tube wet feeders) under standardized conditions of a research station in groups of 20 each or under farm conditions in groups of 32 each have shown that piglets with a pig-feeding place-relation had higher daily gain by 25 g up to 48 g during the raising period on average of the groups compared with tube feeder groups. The live weight development of weaner pigs in groups with a piglet-feeding place-ratio of 1 : 1 was more homogeneous compared with groups with a wide weanling-feeding place-ratio (5 to 8 : 1) characterized by lower coefficients of variation for the daily gain by 5.8 % up to 13.2 %.