Articles | Volume 48, issue 5
10 Oct 2005
 | 10 Oct 2005

Der Begriff Wohlbefinden in der Nutztierhaltung – Diskussion aktueller Definitionsansätze als Grundlage für praxisorientierte Forschung am Beispiel Mastschweinehaltung

R. E. F. Weber and A. Valle Zárate

Abstract. Title of the paper: Welfare in Farm Animal Husbandry – Current definitions and concepts as basis for practical oriented research with focus on fattening pig husbandry
The paper reviews current definitions and concepts of "welfare" in farm animal welfare related literature, with focus on fattening pig husbandry. The respective concepts of welfare are analysed, and the concepts of explanation are categorised: reductionally, based on the animals’ adaptability, based on the animals’ feelings, comprehensive. In literature, "welfare" is used non-uniformly. Behind that, there are different concepts of welfare which reflect various attitudes towards animals. Furthermore, varying definitions also lead to differing traits and methods used to estimate welfare in farm animals. This, finally, ends in divergent interpretations of results of such studies even though they seem to pursue similar aims, namely to estimate or promote farm animal welfare. The present analysis shall contribute to the elucidation of backgrounds of interpretation of “welfare” in order to help outline practical oriented investigations dealing with welfare of farm animals, in a clear and well defined manner, in advance. It is emphasized that welfare is complex and any investigation of it, therefore, has to be carried out on a basis of manifold traits (indicators) and methods. Under the premiss of a clear concept and definition of welfare in which the limits are set clearly, too, estimation of welfare of pigs is possible using several indicators.