Articles | Volume 44, issue 4
10 Oct 2001
 | 10 Oct 2001

Mit Liposomen unterstützte Leukozytenkulturen und Standardisierungsversuche für zytogenetische Präparationen

B. Z. Kovács and G. Stranzinger

Abstract. Title of the paper: Liposome supported leukocyte eultures and standardisation for zytogenetic preparations
There are considerable difficulties in making constant and qualitatively good chromosomal preparations from breeding animals. Varying animal material (without special management information), ingredients of the media, mitogenes, or different qualities of fetal calf serum are all influencing factors. We made experiments with liposomes, which have shown in the literature lo improve the quality of chromosomal preparations.

There are only a few examinations reported about optimizing the culture conditions for short term cultures, including the following chromosomal preparations as well.

These experiments have shown that fetal calf serum cannot be replaced by liposomes and the mitogene is obligatory for metaphases.