Articles | Volume 43, issue 6
10 Oct 2000
 | 10 Oct 2000

Untersuchungen zum Einfluß der Geburtsmasse auf die Lebendmasseentwicklung von Hundewelpen bis zum 20. Lebenstag

A. Böhm and S. Hoy

Abstract. Title of the paper: Investigations on influence of birth weight on live weight development up to 20th day of age in dog pups
Investigations with 102 litters and 715 alive born and 581 individually controlled up to 20th day of age dog pups have shown a highly significant influence of birth weight (x) on weight at the end of third week of age (y) (r = .457; y = 299.9 + 1.99x; p < 0.01). Birth weight of pups died (281 g) was highly significant lower compared to pups who were not lost up to 20th day of age (328 g). Pups with birth weight of more than 451 g reached without losses live weight at day 20 of age which was appr. twice higher compared to pups with birth weight of less than 200 g. Those pups with low birth weight (< 200 g) had a percentage of losses of 83.3 %. Increasing litter size leads to highly significant reduce both in birth weight from 361 to 396 g (litter size = 2 to 5) to 286 g (litter size = 12) and live weight at day 20 of age from 1292 g (litter size = 3) to 748 g (litter size =11). Male dog pups had a less higher live weight compared to female siblings at all points.
