Articles | Volume 42, issue 2
10 Oct 1999
 | 10 Oct 1999

Einfluß des MHS-Genotyps auf die Mast- und Schlachtleistung von Piétrainschweinen und PI x DL-Mastendprodukten in der Stationsprüfung

W. Wittmann, K.-U. Götz, W. Peschke, J.-P. Lindner, and M. Hause

Abstract. Title of the paper: The influence of MHS-genotypes on fattening and carcass Performance traits of purebred Piétrain pigs and PI x DL slaughter pigs at testing station
For the comparison of fattening and carcass performance traits as well as the meat quality of different MHSgenotypes, one Pietrain group with 434 and another one of 64 PI x DL animals of both sexes were evaluated. The LSQ-means from an animal model showed in tendency a lower fattening Performance of the stresssusceptible genotypes. Significant differences were found for higher fat layers and fat surfaces and for lower meat surfaces and percentage of lean meat in NP- and NN-genotypes as compared to the PP-animals. The differences between the MHS-genotypes of the PI x DL animals were similar to those of the Pietrain animals. Both Statistical models confirmed a better meat quality already in the NP-genotypes. With respect to lower loss rates, reduction of insufficient meat qualities (PSE, DFD) and a still high proportion of lean meat of the NP- and NN- animals, a selection ofthe Pidtrain race for stress-resistance should be suitable.
