Articles | Volume 56, issue 1
10 Oct 2013
 | 10 Oct 2013

Genetic analysis of milk yield, fat and protein content in Holstein dairy cows in Iran: Legendre

R. Abdullahpour, M. M. Shahrbabak, A. Nejati-Javaremi, R. V. Torshizi, and R. Mrode

Abstract. Data including 219 105 test day records of 22 569 first parity Holstein cows in 56 herds were analysed for milk yield, fat content and protein content. Legendre polynomials were used in a random regression model to explain traits curves, additive genetic and permanent environmental effects along days in milk (DIM). Legendre polynomials of order 3 were used to describe additive genetic effects on the traits. For permanent environmental effects, for milk the order of 6 and for fat and protein content the order of 4 were used. Heterogeneity of residual variance was considered. Restricted maximum likelihood (REML) methodology was used to estimate the required parameters. Variations in genetic, permanent environment and residual effects and heritability changes along DIM were computed and illustrated. Daily heritability estimates averaged as 0.22, 0.14 and 0.23 for milk, fat and protein contents, respectively. Minimum correlations between DIM for additive genetic effects were as 0.49, −0.01 and 0.34 for milk, fat and protein contents. There were higher genetic correlations between test day milk yield and protein content compared to fat content. The genetic trend of milk yield has increased over the years from 1971 to 2005, while the genetic trend for fat and protein content declined.
