Articles | Volume 55, issue 3
10 Oct 2012
 | 10 Oct 2012

Correlations between daily weight gain, lipid peroxidation and glutathione status of liver and kidney in different pig genotypes

K. Balogh, M. Weber, M. Heincinger, G. Kollár, and M. Mézes

Abstract. Four pig hybrids (Pannon, Hungahib-39, Középtiszai and Dalland) were fattened up to 100±2 kg body weight. Feed intake and body weight were measured and daily weight gain was calculated. Malondialdehyde (MDA) and reduced glutathione (GSH) content, and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity were measured in liver and kidney. Daily weight gain was significantly lower in Pannon and Hungahib-39 hybrids. Amount of MDA was significantly higher in the liver of the hybrids with higher daily weight gain, and similar tendency was found in kidney. GSH content of liver did not differ significantly among the hybrids. The kidney of the Középtiszai hybrid had significantly lower GSH concentration than the others. GPx activity was the lowest in liver and kidney of Középtiszai hybrid. There was no significant correlation between daily weight gain and MDA content in liver, but positive correlation was found in the kidney of Pannon and Hungahib-39 hybrids. Daily weight gain showed significant correlation with GSH content of liver of Középtiszai hybrid. Between daily weight gain and GPx activity negative correlations were found in all hybrids and tissues, but none of them was significant. GSH content showed negative significant correlation with MDA content of liver of Középtiszai and in kidney of Pannon hybrid. Correlation between GSH content and GPx activity was positive and significant in the liver and kidney of Pannon hybrid. The results showed that different daily weight gain of pig hybrids has effect on the lipid peroxide and glutathione status of liver and kidney.
