Articles | Volume 51, issue 4
10 Oct 2008
 | 10 Oct 2008

Futteraufnahme und Fressverhalten wachsender Lämmer – 2. Mitteilung: genetische Korrelationen zwischen der Futteraufnahme und Leistungsmerkmalen

E. Gernand, R. Wassmuth, H. Lenz, and C. Mendel

Abstract. Title of the paper: Feed intake and eating behaviour of growing lambs. 2nd communication: genetic correlations between feed intake and performance traits
In the present study genetic correlations between feed intake, feed efficiency and daily feed intake on one hand and fattening performance, carcass quality and fertility on the other hand were estimated. Data were collected in the test stations “Schöndorf”/Thuringia and in “Grub”/Bavaria as well as in stud book farms in Thuringia and Bavaria. Fattening performance and carcass quality were measured on 4,397 and 2,264 lambs, respectively, in Schöndorf and 1,292 lambs in Grub.

The genetic correlation between feed efficiency and the number of lambs born alive (LGL) was in Thuringia rA = −0.35, but in Bavaria −0.03 only. Further, the genetic correlations between daily feed intake and LGL were different with 0.29 in Thuringia and −0.20 in Bavaria. But the standard errors of the estimates were high due to an insufficient genetic linkage between data from station testing (fattening performance, carcass quality) and from field testing (fertility). Therefore, the results have to be considered as tendencies. A high feed intake during the whole test period led to better daily gain. The genetic relationships between feed intake and carcass quality were indifferent. When using feed intake or efficiency for breeding value estimation and selection no basically problems have to be expected.