Evaluation of associations of the polymorphism in the placentaspecific promoter 1.1 of the CYP19 gene in Black-and-White and Jersey cattle with milk production traits (short communication)
Abstract. The relationship between the SNP of the cytochrome P450 gene (CYP19-PvuII) and milk production traits of Black-and-White and Jersey cattle were analysed. A total of 437 cows were included in the study. A PCR-RFLP was used to genotype. The frequencies of genotypes and alleles for the Black-and-White cows were as follows: 0.8985 – AA, 0.0977 – AB, 0.0038 – BB, and 0.9474 – CYP19A, 0.0526 – CYP19B. In the Jersey, all cows were genotyped as CYP19AA (no polymorphism). There weren’t any associations between CYP19-PvuII polymorphism and milk production traits of the investigated cows.