Articles | Volume 48, issue 2
10 Oct 2005
 | 10 Oct 2005

Nutzung des Ultraschalls in der Schlachtleistungsprüfung und Zuchtwertschätzung für Schafe

E. Gernand and H. Lenz

Abstract. Title of the paper: Using of Ultrasound for estimation of carcass composition and prediction of breeding value for sheep’s
In Thuringia the subjective visual conformation scores of carcasses for blade (BL), leg (K), back (R), fat overlay (OF) and kidney fat (NF) were added by ultrasonic muscle (USK) and fat (USF) depths of living lambs. Heritabilitity estimates were carried out on 2654 slaughtered and 3228 living and ultrasonic-tested Merinolongwool lambs. Estimates of the subjective conformation scores were very low with 0.178 (BL); 0.143 (K); 0.165 (R) and 0.118 (OF). Slightly higher heritabilities could be estimated for NF (0.234), USK (0.26) and USF (0.174). The genetic correlations between conformation scores for muscle on one hand and OF and USF on the other hand were between 0.313 and 0.848. In contrast, the genetic correlation between USK on one hand and OF and USF on the other hand was rA = 0.022 and rA = −0.110, respectively). This may increase efficiency of breeding . By means of selection differences, it is recommended to use USK instead of blade and back, and USF instead of fat overlay in selection index.