Analyse der Fettsäurenzusammensetzung des Rohfettes von Prüffutter für Schweine (Kurzmitteilung)
Abstract. Title of the paper: Analysis of the fatty acid composition of the raw fat from the feed of pigs which are examined to her performance (short communication)
The raw fat of 14 examining feeds from 13 German performance testing centres for pigs was extracted 2001 and analysed for the fatty acid composition by means of gas chromatography. Besides a great variation of the raw fat content (s % = 42) was to state that with 14.4 g/kg feed on average the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) was high. Examinations of the raw fat of wheat, rye and barley showed that the high proportions in linoleic and linolenic acid are brought in the fattening rations primarily by the cereal components. A limitation of the PUFA proportions below 15 g/kg feed therefore doesn't seem to be practicable in the examining feed of performance testing centres for pigs. The additional variation in the fatty acid composition of examining feeds caused by added fats or oils should however be limited according to a better standardization.