Articles | Volume 44, issue 1
10 Oct 2001
 | 10 Oct 2001

Gewichtsentwicklung beim Kaninchen (Oryctolagus cuniculus) nach Transfer reziproker Kernkombinationen in eine neutrale Ammenlinie

H. Harant, R. Porzig, J. Thielebein, W. Saar, and L. Schüler

Abstract. Title of the paper: Development of body weight in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) after embryo transfer of reciprocal nuclear combinations to a neutral line of recipients.
Ihe article describes differences in the development of body weight ofthe Fl-generations in the rabbit, which oecured after embryo transfer from reciprocal nuclear combinations to a neutral line of reeipients. These differences can be explained as expression of maternal cyto-plasmatical and / or imprinting-effects. The two races – Deutsche Riesen and Farbzwerge –, which are extremly different in body weight were used for the reciprocal crosses. The neutral reeipients were a commercial breed „Zika". Results show a significant higher litter weight of the offspring which descended from the heavier mother race. On the 84th day of life exists no differences in weight between the crosses. Differences were within the crosses between the females and males and between the crosses reciprocal different. Causes for the reciprocal sexdimorphism can be A: extrachromosomal respectively cytoplasmatic factors or B: a sex-linked and a sex-influenced heredity, which coinside and are regulated by imprinting
