Schätzung genetischer Parameter an einem Datenmaterial der Sächsischen Rinderpopulation
Abstract. Title of the paper: Estimation of genetic parameters in the dairy cattle population of Saxonia
Population-genetic parameters of the dairy cattle population of Saxonia have been examined. The estimated heritabilities for milk quantity range between 0.35 and 0.42, for fat content between 0.48 and 0.55 and for protein content between 0.52 and 0.57. Higher heritabilities were found for 1st than for subsequent lactations. The genetic correlations between milk quantity and the fat and protein contents were significantly negative for all lactations, likewise between protein content and the protein quantity. The correlation between fat content and fat quantity has been slightly positive (rg=0.08). The analysis of genetic trends revealed a substantial increase in quantity traits, whereas a negative trend has been observed for the milk content merits.