Zur Körperzusammensetzung von neugeborenen Ferkeln der Deutschen Landrasse und des Deutschen Sattelschweines (Kurzmitteilung)
Abstract. Title of the paper: Body composition in newbom piglets of the breeds German Landrace and German Saddleback (short communication)
Newbom piglets from 15 litters of German Landrace sows (DL) and 19 litters of German Saddleback sows (DS) were used to determine the body weight, body composition, and characteristics of lipid metabolism in the blood. At the date of birth no differences in body weight and body composition of the piglets were found between the two breeds. The piglets of the DS-sows showed in comparison to the piglets of the DL-sows a significant higher content in high density lipoproteins (HDL)-cholesterol in the blood plasma.