Articles | Volume 43, issue 4
10 Oct 2000
 | 10 Oct 2000

Tierschützerische Beurteilung des isolierten Frühabsetzens (Segregated Early Weaning, SEW) beim Schwein – eine Übersicht

E. von Borell

Abstract. Title of the paper: Weifare assessment of segregated early weaning (SEW) in pigs – a review
The technology of segregated early weaning (SEW) has been established primarily in large pig farm enterprises across North America. SEW is characterised by weaning piglets at days 7 to 21 of age (mostly between days 12 to 16) and isolated housing in nurseries and growing / finishing units (multi-site production with all-in all-out pig flow). The goal of this technology is to break the infection chain by utilising acquired maternal (passive) immunity from the dam before piglets develop their own active immunity in response to pathogens. A high Standard of feeding and hygiene management facilitates a superior health Status resulting in improved growth rates.

The EU-Report on the welfare Status of intensively housed pigs (SCIENTIFIC VETERINARY COMMITTEE, 1997) suggests that the technology of SEW should be allowed only if it is demonstrated that any welfare advantages to sows and piglets outweigh the disadvantages. Recent research on the behaviour of piglets showed that piglets weaned before days 21 of age develop higher levels of nosing and chewing each other which persist into the grow/ftnish period. Longer-term consequences of SEW for the reproduetive Performance of sows are not yet sufficiently evaluated, although reduced nursing periods result into reduced litter sizes and piglet weights. That does, however, not exciude that the total number of litters/sow/year increases, resulting in greater number of piglets produced.

Considering the EU legislation laying down a minimum weaning age of 21 days, it is recommended that SEW technology could be implemented by utilising the appropriate health management features (multi-site production, all-in all-out). The benefits of isolated housing on health Status and Performance of pigs seem to outweigh the additional advantages of weaning piglets at a very early age (< 21 days of age).
